This blog started for the project I am a Librarian! It gave detail the project progress. It will now focus on discussions of the image of the librarian and my interactions with librarians and library staffers as well as cool information that I think could be useful to others.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Survey Deadline Extended to May 25

Last week was a crazy week. I was lucky to be able to transfer my entire files, project and e-mail just before my hard drive died. I first got the message on Monday was nice of my computer to tell me it was dying. I felt like it was a message from beyond. "Back-up your hard drive now." This really made me see that everything happens for a reason. If I had not taken an online class while I was in WA last summer, I would have not gotten a laptop and just learned how to network my computers instead of burning many CDs. Thanks to my brother Greg for helping me network and teaching me to file share between computers, to Jay at PALINET for helping me to explore more of what I needed to back-up and to Jim at Microsoft Support for saving all of my messages and address book in Outlook. On Wednesday, after my computer's death I walked around my neighborhood and found a four-leaf clover. I will admit that I find them often, but this one made me believe how truly lucky I am.

That being said...I will extend the deadline to May 25, 2005. I had hoped to send another reminder last week, but it was quite difficult with computer problems. If you have not filled out a survey, please get it to me as soon as possible.

I have just made arrangments for SLA. I will be in Toronto on June 4th and 5th only.

Thanks so much!


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This weekend

I took a picture of Kristin Pedemonti this weekend. She was great! She does professional storytelling and events. She even gave me a wild woman pack. It was very sweet. Coincidentally, it had a calendar quote from the day I started this project. "The color VIOLET is said to energize the brain. The color of royalty, violet stimulates self-confidence and joy." I think it is funny that I chose the color violet for the text on my site, especially cause it was on St. Patrick's Day. I think that this project has brought me a lot of confidence and joy, even just in the process of it. I can't wait to see how I feel once it is completed.