This blog started for the project I am a Librarian! It gave detail the project progress. It will now focus on discussions of the image of the librarian and my interactions with librarians and library staffers as well as cool information that I think could be useful to others.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Made it to MS...

Well, I am in Mississippi and it has started to rain. The librarian who I had scheduled to take pictures of is stuck in evacuation traffic, so I'm killing time. It looks like it's going to be a late night. Luckily, the next shoot is not until tomorrow morning. Oh, and they have a Starbucks in the library here, so that rocks.

This morning I took pictures of three librarians in AL, so I am doing pretty good for the day.

Have a great one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're able to avoid the worst of the storminess, and I'm glad that it's shaping up to be a productive trip!

6:53 PM


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