This blog started for the project I am a Librarian! It gave detail the project progress. It will now focus on discussions of the image of the librarian and my interactions with librarians and library staffers as well as cool information that I think could be useful to others.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Day in the Life


I would like to apologize for the long delay in my posts to this blog. For the last couple months, I have been working on writing a chapter of a book called A Day in the Life. It highlights various positions that one can have with their Masters in Library Science. My focus is on my job as the Member Support Coordinator at PALINET. As far at it stands now, A Day in the Life is set to be published in the Fall of 2006 by Libraries Unlimited.

I am hoping that publication in this book for my writing will help me to find a publisher for the I am a Librarian book.

I have taken over 100 pictures of librarians and will be in San Antonio, TX for ALA Midwinter Jan. 20- 23, 2006. I am not sure of all my plans at this point, but I will keep you posted.

Have a great day!