This blog started for the project I am a Librarian! It gave detail the project progress. It will now focus on discussions of the image of the librarian and my interactions with librarians and library staffers as well as cool information that I think could be useful to others.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lava Library

Originally uploaded by I am a Librarian!.
This is the library at the Lava Community Center in West Philadelphia.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yes, That's Right!

Yes, That's Right!
Originally uploaded by I am a Librarian!.
I'm headed off to OCLC again on Sunday, out to good old Dublin, OH. Here's a reminder of what you can see driving around downtown Columbus.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How far would you go to save your library?

Dr. Eskander the director of Iraq’s National Library and Archive in Baghdad, and his staff go to great lengths just to get to work. They deal with bombings, shootings and even death threats to protect and provide access to the library and archive materials.

How far would you go to save your library?

How would you handle similar situations with your library?

To read more about the happenings at Iraq’s National Library and Archive in Baghdad, see Dr. Eskander's diary, which is hosted by the British Library,

I think it is amazing to see such dedication from Dr. Eskander and his staff. I can only imagine how hard their daily life must be. I wish them peace.