Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
In February, I spent time reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. My co-worker, Catherine, lent it to me some time ago and I finally got around to reading it. Most of us know how that goes.
The story encompasses the student/teacher relationship and focuses on a world view through tales of creation and evolution. In many ways it makes you think outside the box and with a more global view of our time here. I could see how to many this would be a life altering work. I felt as if I had read similar stories before in the mystical student/teacher relationship, mostly in the Native American realm, so it did not resonate with me as much as it did with some of my co-workers. What struck me as interesting was the number of people who commented on the book as I carried it to and from work and in my travels around the city. Some read it for class others for pleasure, each time the comment came accompanied with a smile, that speaks volumes to me. I'd recommend this book.
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